Most dogs don’t do well with fireworks. The loud explosions from it are enough to send them running to find a place to hide. These animals end up panicking and would run as fast and as far away as possible from the loud explosions produced by fireworks.

A Border Collie named Rosie was a victim of fireworks. While she was out for a walk with her family, a firework went off, which scared her and caused her to run away. Rosie’s humans, Steve and Julie, immediately started looking for her. Unfortunately, they had no luck finding her.

Thankfully, Rosie is one smart dog who knew how to get herself home. Instead of panicking and running away from people, she went to the right people to ask for help instead. Rosie ended up walking inside a nearby police station and calmly sat on the floor in the lobby. She patiently waited for someone to notice her. Luckily for Rosie, she stood out and it was quite easy to get the attention of the police officers.

purebred dog, border collie, herding dog

Rosie was calm and very friendly when the police officers approached her. She even made friends with some of the police officers. The police station staff and police officers on duty gave Rosie some water and started working to find out who her humans were.

Luckily for the police officers, their job was made even easier since Rosie had a collar on that had her name and her family’s contact information. The police officers got in touch with Rosie’s owners and told them that Rosie was safe at the police station.

Steve and Julie were relieved to learn that Rosie had been found. They’re also quite proud of Rosie that she was clever enough to ask the right people for help. While most dogs would avoid all human contact when they get lost or separated from their owners, Rosie did the exact opposite. Here’s a video showing how Rosie got herself home.

Source: Inside Edition via YouTube


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