Any dog owner who sees their pet poop something green will be alarmed. This is a natural reaction. After all, a canine’s excretion is a sort of looking window into what is happening inside their anatomy. The same way it is with humans, there are healthy looking dog poops and unhealthy looking ones. To these signs you must always be wary and responsive.
If you find your dog pooping green, do not ignore it. Remember that although this situation can prove rather innocent, sometimes it happens to be a legit cause of health concern.
When Not to Worry About Green Dog Poop
If your dog is fond of eating large portions of green plan materials such as grass or market-bought green treats, their poop can easily be tinted green. It only means their digestive system is responding to the color of what they have eaten, which hopefully are nothing toxic.
Be wary of pigments used in some home products that can make your dog’s poop green, such as rodenticides in rat poison. These pigments are highly toxic. So if you use any of these products in your household, make sure to keep them out of your pet’s reach. When buying treats, also carefully inspect the ingredients, especially those non-nutritional ones like food coloring. This is especially crucial if your veterinarian has proscribed your dog from ingesting certain ingredients.
When to Worry About Green Dog Poop
If your dog has not eaten anything green but their poop is still tinted green, then it is about time you take them to a vet visit. The reason for this is their poop’s color could mean compromised absorption in your pet’s intestinal tract. Your dog’s intestinal tract secretes bile, which is greenish in color and serves a very specific digestive function. In a normal-functioning intestinal tract, bile is secreted and reabsorbed in the colon. It is then recycled and reused. In the case of malabsorption in the intestinal tract, instead of doing its thing, bile is not processed properly hence it goes down with your pet’s feces, coloring it green. Ailments that can trigger this malabsorption include colitis, among others.
Other Signs
If your dog’s green excrement is firm and uniformly colored green, chances are it is because of what they had ingested. Otherwise, if it is soft or mucousy and oddly shaped, it is quite logical to assume their intestinal tract has been compromised.
Also remember that your dog eating way too much grass could be a symptom of a health problem. A gastrointestinal malfunction for instance. So if you notice your dog’s sudden predilection for grass, do not think of it as them being quirky. They can already be at risk.
To be sure, consult with your veterinarian. Although green poop is not always a cause of concern, sometimes you can only have your much needed peace of mind if an expert actually tells you there is no reason to worry. And, in case there is a legitimate cause to worry, surely your vet will be able to help you through its essential remedy.


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