A backyard is a fun place for you and your dog. But it can be a bit dangerous if you do not make sure that your backyard is safe for both you and your dog. Here are a few ways of making your backyard safe.
1. Build a fence around it.
Playing inside the backyard without a fence can be really dangerous, without borders to keep your dog and even your child within the limits of your backyard can cause a lot of trouble. You might not notice your dog leave the premises of your backyard if he is left unchecked. Random loud noises can make your dog run away far from your house. Or a dangerous dog can enter your backyard and threaten both your kid and your dog. So build a fence around your backyard to decrease the risks of danger your dog might face.
2. Regularly Check your fence for damage
You should always check your fence for random damage and irregularities. Holes and cracks might be hidden in plain sight which can be the entry and exit points of your dogs. You should also consider how high your fence is, check if your dog is capable of jumping over the fence. The fence’s sturdiness is also crucial, you should check if your fence is strong enough that your dog won’t topple it over. Scrutinize every inch of your fence for any problems that may lead to unwanted trouble for you and your dog.
3. Put in some Peeking areas
Consider having small hole spaces between your fence, this will let your dog see the outside of your backyard. If your dog can not see the outside of the backyard because of your fence blocking his sight, he might randomly bark at innocent sounds strangers produce while they are walking outside your backyard. Your dog might also become very curious and eventually dig holes beneath your fence.
4. Designate a particular area for digging
It’s very common for dogs to like to dig on your backyard, it’s one of their natural instincts and is sometimes also because of their curiosity. But this can be a major problem if you’ve just established a garden in your backyard; your dog’s digging might greatly damage your plants. These random holes might also be dangerous and can cause you or your kids to stumble.
To avoid these very unwanted damages and accidents, you should try and designate a corner or an area inside your backyard. You can make this area filled with sand just like a sandbox for a child. Here your dog can dig as much as he wants without causing damage or potential hazards. You can buy a sandbox with a built-in cover to avoid random cats from using the area as a litter box. You can bury random treats and toys inside the sandbox to make your dogs digging more fun and enjoyable for him and to discourage him from digging somewhere else.


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