Raise a hand if you loved getting tucked in at night when you were little. This tiny puppy certainly did and looked forward to it, and this clip is proof that dogs never stop serving all the adorable feels.

This puppy’s hooman dad tucks him in every night, so the fluffball got used to this little ritual. When it’s time for bed, the tiny rascal would closely follow dad to make sure he gets tucked in for the night.

How sweet, and how absolutely heart-warming this little one’s reactions are! We could tell that the puppy has done this many times now because he knew exactly what to do.

First, he follows dad closely when it’s time for bed. Second, he hops on the bed and waits for dad to fold the blankets out to just the right size.

Third, he lays down on the bed, four paws sticking upward to heaven. The fourth and last step is, he enjoys the feeling of getting wrapped, with one foot out so as not to overheat.

The tiny furball’s impish grin when dad finally wrapped him in soft cotton’s epic.

We say this hooligan has gotten his ritual down pat, and we’re glad that he gets to do this every single night. That’s something to definitely smile about!

Can we just give this puppy’s dad a standing ovation? We could only wish there’d be more dog owners like you, sir! Your furry son is mighty lucky to have a loving dad like you.

Your puppy may be small, but he serves the biggest smile of appreciation. If we could see that from our screens, then we could only imagine how he’s like in real life.

Continue being a source of joy, little one. You’re the kind of chill pill everyone won’t have a problem taking every day!

Credits to ViralSnare Rights Management via YouTube


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