Dog are expected to bark because that’s what they do. However, when you live in an apartment in New York City, having two dogs that constantly bark can spell trouble. Max and his partner have two very noisy Maltese dogs, and they are in danger of getting evicted if they don’t address the noise complaints.

When dog trainer Victoria Stilwell visited the couple, they had relayed to her all the troubles they were facing for having loud dogs. Apparently, lawyers have sent them letters. But what shocked Victoria the most was when the process of debarking was put forward as an option.

Debarking is a cruel act, and the dog trainer is highly against it. She thinks it should be illegal, and she has good reason to believe so. Debarking cuts the dog’s vocal chord to reduce the volume of their barks. But it has serious side effects, not to mention it’s cruel nature.

Instead of resorting to a wrong decision, Victoria decided to explain what the problem is and how proper training can solve it. She tells the couple that whenever someone rings the doorbell, the mood inside the apartment changes. The goal is to desensitize both dogs to the bell while creating a routine for them to follow.

The trainer’s command of choice was the phrase “thank you.” Whenever, she utters the phrase, combined whit a hand gesture, the dogs will stop barking. As usual, she uses positive reinforcement as the method of choice. Whenever the two dogs stay silent and follow the command, they get a treat.

Max’s partner was able to replicate what Victoria did. Max, on the other hand, wasn’t doing so well. The dogs were not listening to him. Only after the thirteenth attempt, did the dogs finally give in. After that, it was smooth sailing. The two loud Maltese learned how to be silent even when the doorbell is ringing.

Video courtesy of It’s Me or The Dog via YouTube.


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