Extremely loyal – this is perhaps the best way to describe a Golden Retriever in China who walked 62 miles for over two weeks to return and be reunited with her human companions.

Ahead of their home renovation, a family residing in the eastern city of Qidong decided to relocate their dog temporarily. So they drove their one-year-old puppy Ping An – whose name means safe when translated to English – to their friend who lives in Nantong.

And four months of separation proved to be too much for the lovable canine. The family found out that their beautiful darling ran away from her temporary abode and relied on the memory she had from the car ride to Nantong to walk back all the way home.

Based on a report released by Jianhai Evening News, the Golden Retriever arrived at the gates of Hanwha New Energy Co. on October 26 of 2020. Staff noticed that the poor pup had visible paw injuries due to her long adventure. They provided her with food, treated her wounds, and put out the word about the canine that came to them. According to her rescuers, Ping An looked forlorn – probably because she was longing for her owners.

Thanks to the power of word of mouth and social media, photos of Ping An surfaced and made their way around the WeChat messaging platform. It didn’t take long for the snaps to reach her original owners, who immediately recognized her despite the weight she lost. They went to the area where she was being cared for and brought proof of ownership. This led to an emotional reunion for Ping An and her family, coupled with plenty of hugs.

In a video shared across various Chinese media outlets, her owner lauded Ping An for working hard to take the long journey home. She even said that the pup could stay home with them from now on. In an interview for Jianghai Evening News, Ping An’s family described her as an intelligent and loyal dog who would never be separated from them ever again.

Source: Weixin 


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