Puppies are animals. And animals do not care about good manners. Don’t expect your tiny pup to even know what good manners are. It should start with you. Give him care, attention and proper training for him to know what is good and what is bad to grow up to have a normal fulfilling proper life with you.

It is best to instill good manners to your puppy when his eyes and ears develop at around three weeks of age. Take him to places where there are people and other puppies and dogs for him to socialize. Ensure that he does his regular vet check-ups for the vaccination schedules so he does not get infected when you are out, or does not infect other puppies outdoors. Invite friends with their vaccinated pups to come over or come together for gatherings in your neighborhood. Take your puppies out for short trips. This is also a good way for him to get used to car travel and see, smell and hear more of the world outside your home.

For new things, persons or events that you encounter along the way of his training, do not act excited or scared or anxious or tensed as all these emotions will be felt by your puppy. Remember that dogs do not understand words. They understand body language. And when you pull on his leash tensely because of some compromising activity on your walk, the tension will radiate through him and cause him to act inappropriately. If you act confident and calm, then he will act the same.

At 3 months when his vaccinations are completed, take him to regular walks to the park, to quiet places, and to loud, populated areas. Go to pet-friendly establishments. Take him to as many establishments you can to let him know and explore the world’s possibilities.

Get him familiarized with his own name. And every time you say his name, give him a reward. Never scream out his name when he does something bad. He will get confused. In fact, just never shout at your pup. He will not understand if you are angry or excited.

He should learn that despite his canine nature of biting, he should never ever bite people. During teething, he would have a greater age to bite everyone. You should prevent him from growing into that habit by training him as early as when his gums start bulging. Teach your family members to scream or move back if your pup bites them. Ignore him when he does that so he knows that it is wrong. Give him a reward after playing when he does not bite or “mouth” you.

Get him out of the excited jump routine when you arrive home. He might use this on other unassuming guests which could lead to accidents or disasters. If he does jump at you over excitement when young, ignore him and act cool so that he does the same. When he does keep calm, don’t forget to give him a treat.


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