Huskies are very much known as a stubborn breed. They usually don’t like being told what they should and shouldn’t do. So, if owners will spoil their husky, they should prepare themselves for what they signed up for.

Zeus, the husky, has always been the “child” in the house. He’s sometimes bossy and stubborn towards anyone.

Come the 5th birthday of Kaden, Zeus’ German Shepherd brother. The jealous husky watched as his brother received many gifts from their mom. This time, he felt incredibly wronged when he saw his brother’s new toy – a birthday bone.

The 10-year-old Zeus immediately planned his grand scheme. As soon as his mom left the room, he cornered Kaden at the wall and demanded to give him the bone.

Of course, the birthday boy didn’t want to give it up. It was his birthday present! He put up a fight and didn’t let go of the bone, involving himself by the tug of war with his brother.

As mom walked back inside the room, she already knew all too well what happened. The stubborn Zeus is at it again, demanding things he didn’t own. So, she told her husky to give way to the birthday boy.

But the stubborn dog that he is, he didn’t. Lucky for him, Kaden was a peace-loving dog, so he decided to give it to his big brother.

However, mom wasn’t putting up with all of this. Her heart broke for the birthday boy. Thus, she gently told Zeus to let go of the bone, who then talked back to her.

With all the years she’s experienced with Zeus, mom was used to such behavior. They were in a standoff battle for a couple of minutes before the husky finally budged.

Prepare yourself for the following video and see how it all ended:

Thanks to our friends at Rumble Viral for the video and photos.


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