U.S. Army Reserve Sgt. Tracy McKithern had to wait a whole year to reunite with a stray dog she adopted after her service in Iraq. It could have been less than a year, but when the dog finally got to the U.S., she got deployed to another mission.

The puppy, which she named Erby, went roaming inside their camp alongside her mother and two other siblings. The dog family was clearly starving and looking for some food to eat. Sgt. Tracy, along with the rest of her unit, and soldiers from other countries in the same camp, decided to feed them. As time passed, The kind-hearted soldier fell in love with the little pup.

dog, street dog, white

Taking Erby home

When Sgt. Tracy knew that her deployment was going to end, she realized that she couldn’t just leave the pup there, not knowing wa=hat will happen to her. So she decided to make a post on her social media asking people for help to bring her home. Support flew in from everywhere. It was going to take several thousands of dollars to bring Erby to the U.S., but the money came in even from strangers.

Sadly, the two of them could not leave together. Erby first needed to have vaccinations, some documentation, and travel arrangements. Sgt. Tracy went home with the promise from the soldiers from her unit that they would help out and take care of the dogs and any paperwork that has to be done.

Fortunately, everything went well. Erby was set to leave for the U.S. and finally be in her permanent home. But then, Sgt. Tracy received orders for a two-month deployment in Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, which would start on the day that Erby would arrive. Nevertheless, their reunion was still very emotional when her two-month mission finally ended.

This time, it was Erby waiting for her at the airport. Sgt. Tracy was worried that the dog, which was now all grown up, would not remember her. But when she walked towards her, the dog ran up to her and started giving her lots of kisses. Its safe to say that she still remembers her rescuer.

Source: ABC Action News via Youtube


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