Siberian Huskies are supposed to love snow, right? Well, not this one, and it’s tickling thousands of funny bones!

No one is quite sure what goes on in Meeka’s head, but she definitely does not like it when her dad throws her into a pile of snow! It’s pretty hilarious to watch, and her reactions are just priceless.

Of course, we all know that Huskies love the snow, so it’s really surprising to see Husky owners get their pets out during the winter. After all, this breed thrives in freezing conditions, so why not?

But as it turns out, not all Huskies are created equal. Meeka is definitely the odd one out! She let her parents know that their assumptions are wrong.

This Husky does not like the snow too much, and she definitely hates being thrown in without a by-your-leave. Talk about a head-scratcher, and what a way to break a popular belief about Huskies!

She tried to tell mom about what dad did, and at first, Meeka thought mom got her point. But when she said she has a pizza treat for her and then showed her a piece of packed ice, it got Meeka truly mad.

She now knew that dad and mom were in cahoots when the former threw her into that pile of snow. She barked and whined, but she knew that she’ll just have to accept things as they are.

We think that mom and dad’s laughter rankled, and we couldn’t blame this dog if she gets even.

Do you think Meeka will ever come around to liking the snow? If you think this video is hilarious, be sure to share it with your friends! And if you have a dog that doesn’t like the snow, we’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Credits to Meeka The Husky via YouTube


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