Dogs enjoy eating, and when they see hoomans enjoying some good grub, they’re happy for them. They’d probably want to have some too, but they might just be too shy to ask.

This male Rottweiler found himself in this exact situation. On that day, dad watched TV while he snacked on some pizza. The delicious aroma was almost too much for the pet, but he behaved.

He knew that it’s never a good thing to snatch some food from hoomans. His dad raised him better than that, so he stayed put and watched dad gobble more of the delicious grub.

Dad caught his pet staring, so he looked at his dog. The Rottie was too embarrassed he got caught that he turned his face away. Dad continued to eat after that, and the dog went back to staring.

His adorable face looked at dad with all the longing in the world. It’s as though this pet told himself it was alright, as long as dad was good. What a well-mannered pet you have there, dad!

The dog’s owner stopped once more to ask his pet if he wanted some, but again, the Rottie turned away. He figured if dad wanted to give him some, he would without him asking.

Sure enough, dad offered a piece of pizza to the Rottie, and the dog ate it with gusto. We bet nothing tasted better than that slice of pizza right there, and we could imagine the heavenly taste.

When you’ve really waited for something for so long, you tend to appreciate it more when it finally comes to you. This pet must have been stoked to the highest level, and he couldn’t wait for more.

It’s safe to say that this pet got more than his fair share of pizza that night. His behavior is proof that if you want something and you’re patient enough, you’ll get it eventually.

Well done, pet!

Credits to Rottweiler Life via YouTube


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