Val’s Pals is a nonprofit charity organization based in Texas that is dedicated to helping stray animals. They primarily deal with German Shepherds. One day, the group received a call about a mangy dog that has her ribs sticking out of her skin. It seemed that it was a little pup, but they couldn’t tell for sure. The stray dog was so dirty that they couldn’t even distinguish what breed she is.

The man who reported the dog also said that the stray was feeding herself some pieces of a dead animal. The organization heard enough. The next day, they sent two rescuers.


When the rescuers found the poor dog the next day, she was lying underneath a pile of dead branches and leaves. She was curled up and looked very weak. Since it was already winter, she was most likely looking for shelter.

When they approached the pooch. It seemed that she didn’t have the energy or the spirit to run away from the strange men going near her. She just looked at them and closed her eyes. It was as if she had no will to live anymore. The two men then put a leash on her and carried the pup to their vehicle.

The transformation

The dog, later named Frannie, was taken to a veterinary clinic. Her health was evaluated, and that’s when they discovered that she was not a puppy at all. She was around three years old, and she weighed 23 pounds. She was way less than her ideal weight.

The vets said that her condition was critical, and she might not make it through. But they were still determined to save her life.

They put Frannie in intensive care and were given all the treatment that she needed. It was rocky in the first few days. But in the end, she had an incredible turnaround. Her condition stabilized, and her progress was quick.

Barely four months after she was taken off the street, Frannie was adopted by a loving family from Houston. The former stray is now very active and always plays with her new siblings. If she wasn’t found that fateful day, she could have perished. But now, her incredible transformation has given her the chance to live a long and happy life.

Source: Vals Pals via Youtube


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