There are a lot of touching stories out there about people rescuing dogs and giving them a better life. But there are also those stories where the rescue doggies pay the favor back and rescue their new owners right back. The story of Amanda Tromp and her rescue dog Kyro is the latter kind of story. Although it isn’t as daring as the ones where the dog runs into a burning building to save a baby, it is definitely as heroic and life-saving as that.

Their journey all started when Amana, 22, began to bottle-feed the Siberian Husky puppy Kyro and his littermates when their mom was unable to. She fell in love with the puppy and decided to bring him home to live with her and her boyfriend. However, the pup’s new home turned out to be anything but a happy, loving home. This was because Amanda’s boyfriend physically abused her on a regular basis.

As time went on, the abusive behavior or her boyfriend became even worse. It came to a point where Amanda’s only solace was her walks with the Husky, being that she was also isolated from being with friends and family. And like all battered women, she got used to it and gave excuses for her boyfriend’s horrible actions. However, when his aggression began to turn on her beloved pooch, Amanda suddenly realized that they – her and Kyro – finally had to get away from their horrid situation.

With the support of her parents, the two were able to escape and start anew – just the two of them. If it weren’t for the Husky, Amanda wouldn’t have woken up to the truth about how bad it was. The pooch also helped her gain the courage she needed to leave. Check out this creative video about Amanda and Kyro’s story here:

Source: Youtube | MY DOG


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