After Katie Pollak graduated from college, she decided to visit three different shelters. When she arrived at the second shelter, she immediately noticed Chipper, one of the rescue dogs. It was love at first sight.

Chipper was very dirty. At first, Katie thought that Chipper was just an all-black dog. But after she took him for a bath, she discovered that he is a colorful dog.

Chipper didn’t take time to adjust to his new home. He settled in very quickly. Soon after he moved in, Katie discovered many things about the dog. He is a very outgoing dog. He’s curious about everything. Chipper always wants to be out there and have fun.


Katie and Chipper developed a great bond. They went to many adventures together from hiking to visiting dunes. They had a lot of fun. A few months later, Katie decided to move. They sold their belongings, packed up, and hit the road to Arizona. It was a long drive.

Katie knew that Chipper needs to go out a lot. He inspired her to explore different places. He loves exploring a lot that even water bottles make him curious. This started their journey to recycle water bottles.

Visiting Arizona’s national parks have been their usual routine. During the summer, many people visit the river. The amount of beer cans and water bottles is very disappointing.


Good thing, Katie and Chipper have volunteered to do the job. The two would often do a lot of cleaning in the area. Chipper would pick up the bottles and put them in the bags. The dog really has an initiative.

Picking up the bottles is his most favorite thing to do. He never gets tired of it. He picks up the bottle when they are paddling, or even when they are just simply walking around. He’s more responsible than most humans.

Because of this, Chipper inspired many people. He makes them realize that they have to pick up their own trash or even pick up somebody else’s trash. He’s truly a living inspiration.

Credit: Katie Pollak


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