Dog training is very crucial for the development of your puppy’s behavior inside your house. If you’ve already finished a very important first month of your puppy training, then you shouldn’t stop right away. You cannot condense the rather crucial puppy training into only 1 month; there should be a follow-up, another month to train your dog to get used to their life inside your house.
By this time, you must already let your dog be familiarized with them being touched all the time. If this training is not immediately done, your dog might become aggressive towards that have the intent to touch them, this will increase the likelihood of your dog biting other people. It is very important to let your dog be trained to be touched at this time period, if you are not successful of initiating this training early on, your dog might not be able to be calm towards other people touching them and would lead them to continuously be rather aversive to you as well. Your dog might become feral.
During the second month of your puppy’s stay at your house, you can gradually try to increase the amount of socialization your dog is experiencing towards people inside and outside the house, as well as with other dogs. You can let your dog attend puppy class in dog training centers during this time period in time. Although your dog will not have the risk of not learning any social skills after this, this time period is the most critical time for your dog to learn to socialize because they are still developing.
Socialization isn’t the only important skill that your dog needs to learn. You should also get the time to have your dog get some equally crucial obedience training. Letting your dog undergo obedience training when they are still young is really important to avoid the hassle of your dog becoming a delinquent when they grow old. You can train your dog a few moments at a time, rushing isn’t really needed.
This time is also perfect for you to get your dog to learn different basic commands. Simple commands can do, just remember to go easy on your dog to avoid shock. Also, patience on your part will play a vital role in this kind of training. Here are some basic commands you can make your dog learn.
1. Sit
One of the most basic of commands you can make your dog learn. Let this command be a cue for your dog to stop doing things that you find troublesome. Just remember to reward them accordingly after they executed the command to encourage repetition.
2. Come
Another basic command, you can gradually teach this by first having your dog on a leash and pulling them in when you say the command. When you think that your dog is capable enough, try training the command without the leash
3. Leave it
Your dog’s curiosity will definitely lead them to bite and get things around their surroundings. To avoid having your dog’s mouth get unwanted stuff you should teach this command.


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