Puppies are really cute bundles of happiness that come to our lives. But they don’t automatically know what to do and the things to follow when they first arrive at our homes. So you will need to train your newly acquired puppy to decrease the likelihood of him causing random unwanted trouble when they are already living in our house.

The first month of training your puppy is really the most important time period for you to let your dog be familiar with the rules and regulations that you have set for him inside the house.  But first you will need to ensure your dog’s health and well-being, you should immediately visit a veterinarian to let your dog have some health examinations. Then you should also let your dog get the vaccinations that he needs, this will decrease the risk of your dog developing fatal diseases and also help them prevent the spread of the said diseases.

Also be sure that your dog is around 8 weeks old before getting him and letting him into your house. In some states, it is illegal to adopt puppies that are still not 8 weeks old. Puppies tend to learn everything they need to learn from their mother when they reach 8 weeks old, this is also the time when they start to try to become independent because the mother is also trying to get rid of them because she knows that they are already old enough to take care of themselves.

You can start the dog training almost immediately after you have ensured your puppy’s vaccinations. A great way to start training is to let your puppy socialize with nearby dogs, typically with your neighbors. You can also let your puppy met small children and let them safely play with them.  A nearby dog training center is also a perfect place for your dog to both socialize with other dogs and meet new people.

Because your puppies are still a bit young and so their brains are still very young and malleable. But there is only a short time before you can safely introduce new things like other people, other dogs, and typical circumstances to let them be accustomed to. You have about 4 to 8 weeks span to have your dog be exposed to these new experiences without them getting too shocked.

During the very first month, it is advisable to let your dog be introduced to different things inside your house, like all the seemingly intimidating furniture, all the members of the family and also the dos and don’ts inside the house. But you shouldn’t introduce so many things to your dog at once, this would lead to an overload of information that may cause your dog to panic and run away, decreasing your chances of making them accustomed to their new home. You can let your dog explore the house themselves, and regularly assure them that they won’t get hurt because you are there for them you are their new caretaker.



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