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If there is one thing that most dog owners dread, losing their dogs would be the scenario. The reason for this is that there is a high probability that they will no longer see their dogs again. This is not a baseless feeling because most dogs who went missing are never found again.

Dan O’Brien recently faced this dilemma when his car got stolen. When the incident occurred, his pooch named Loki was inside the vehicle. After learning that his car got stolen, there were so many negative thoughts that came across his mind. But it was not only Dan who went crazy about this dilemma. Even his kids feared for the life of Loki. But even with this unlikely situation, Dan and his family members never gave up hope. Thankfully, the little pooch was rescued a few hours after the traumatizing incident.

Dan’s testimony began when he decided to bring one of his dogs to a veterinary visit. Loki joined Dan because the pooch loves to travel by car. When Dan arrived at the vet, he decided to leave Loki in the car as he usually does. Dan said that it was just a few minutes because he will drop off his other dog.

Unfortunately, a carnapper broke into Dan’s car and drove as fast as he could. The poor Loki was inside the vehicle when the incident happened. After two hours, Dan received a call from a police department, telling him that they were successful in chasing after the burglar.

It was good news for Dan, but the most important news for him is that Loki is safe. However, the pooch was not really rescued from the car. Instead, someone saw the pooch outside a hotel. Good thing, Loki has a dog tag with Dan’s phone number in it.

Credits to Best Dog Behavior.


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