Dave Wardell is a police constable in the UK. He works with a police dog named Finn, and they have bonded over the years of working together. In one incident, Police Constable Wardell and Finn were chasing a suspect in Stevenage. This particular incident changed the law in the UK regarding service animals.

During the incident, Constable Wardell and Finn were chasing a teenager who was armed with a knife. Constable Warden and Finn were able to keep up with the suspect during the chase. Officer Wardell and Finn were finally able to get close enough to subdue the suspect.

However, the suspect decided to stop and turn around to face the officers. In the act of desperation, the suspect thrust his knife onto Finn, which injured the dog on the chest, and the next knife thrust was aimed at Police Constable Wardell. The blade was aimed at the head and throat of Constable Wardell, which would have caused fatal injuries. Fortunately, Finn shielded the police officer from the knife.

The situation was eventually contained, and the suspect was finally apprehended. Unfortunately, Finn’s heroic act caused him to get seriously injured. When Finn acted as a shield for Constable Wardell, he was on the receiving end of the stabbing, which caused additional injuries on his chest.

malinoa, belgian, dog

Officers on the scene rushed Finn to the animal hospital, where he had to go through four hours of surgery. The wounds he sustained would have been fatal if not for the skills of the veterinarian. Thankfully, Finn recovered and was back on his feet after eleven weeks in the animal hospital. Police Constable Wardell never left Finn’s side and would visit him every day during his stay at the hospital.

Police Constable Wardell is more than thankful for what Finn did for him. Officer Wardell stated that Finn is his and his children’s hero. After the stabbing incident, Finn was retired from police service and now lives with Police Constable Wardell and his family, where he’s showered with love.

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During Finn’s career, he saved more or less 40 lives and has found over 300 offenders. For his courage, Finn was awarded the PDSA Gold Medal, which is the animal equivalent for the George Cross. Finn’s action also inspired people to rally together to have the laws changed in the UK.

The new law was drafted, which was called Finn’s Law. This law calls for greater punishment for people who hurt service animals and make it harder for people to claim self-defense to justify hurting or mistreating service animals.

Police Constable Wardell owes his life to Finn. If it weren’t for his canine partner, he wouldn’t be alive today. Here’s a video showing Finn, the hero dog who changed the law in the UK.

Video Source On Demand News via YouTube


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