Peeps was first found in an abandoned house in St. Louis, Missouri. No one knows exactly if he previously had owners who intentionally left him or whether he was a stray who got himself stuck inside. But one thing’s for sure; he is a sweet boy who deserves nothing but love.

Residents reported that Peeps has been staying in the said house for more than two weeks already. Concerned that he might be injured, people reached out to Stray Rescue of St. Louis, a local animal rescue organization. Immediately, Donna Lochmann went to the said location.

At the scene, Donna saw Peeps staring out the second-story window. She couldn’t figure out how the dog got in there. All the doors were locked and barricaded. The only way they found to get in and out was a small window at the back of the house.

Donna squeezed herself in while another rescuer waited outside. She went upstairs and looked for Peeps. She took out the two cans of Vienna sausage that she brought and gave them to the pup.

Peeps was a bit timid at first. But he was starving. He immediately ate the pieces of sausage that his rescuer offered him. And before he finished them all off, Donna managed to put a leash around his neck.

Donna guided Peeps down the stairs. She thought that he was probably scared to go down on his own because the steps were narrow and steep. Once at the ground level, Donna carried Peeps and handed him to her colleague through the same window she got in.

Peeps was taken to the rescue, where he was checked by the vets right away. Although a little skinny, he was found generally healthy. He was given some food and a much-needed bath right after.

Peeps is still learning that not all people are bad. But his rescue friends quickly noticed how much he likes to be held. He will soon know how it is to be spoiled and be home with a loving family.

Credits to Stray Rescue of St. Louis


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