Dogs that experience abuse and neglect find it hard to trust humans again, even when they get rescued. Removing a dog from the source of abuse is only the first part of the rescue. The real work will begin after the dogs are taken away from the people abusing them.

Dogs rescued from abuse take time to recover. Rescuers need to show them that humans can be trusted again, and people fostering or adopting the dogs need to be patient. Keep in mind that there’s no shortcut in winning a dog’s trust.

Finding a forever home for an abused dog is hard. Rescue dogs who have apparent physical ailments and psychological problems are harder to get adopted. Most people wouldn’t want to deal with dogs that have a lot of issues.

puppy, dog, pet

A pit bull that was only three months old was removed from an abusive home. He was living in terrible conditions that he suffered from severe mange. On the first observation, it’s evident that the pit bull puppy suffered from severe abuse and neglect.

The puppy’s name is Mojo and was living in Baie Ste. Marie Animal Society after the rescue. The abused puppy’s future was uncertain, and people believed that his particular case will result in him getting euthanized. However, a man named Joey Wagner heard about Mojo and decided to take the sick dog to the veterinary hospital. Mojo received the best care and recovered fast.

However, the treatment Mojo received caused his fur to stop growing. The dog needed to wear a shirt to protect his sensitive skin, and he was also taken off the adoption list. This is because Mojo needed someone special to care for him. His condition meant that he needed to be cared for by someone special who will be able to attend to his unique needs.

Thankfully, Joey saw past Mojo’s appearance and only saw a sweet and kind dog. When Joey heard that Mojo needed someone special to care for him, he jumped at this chance and decided to make Mojo a part of his family. Joey adopted the puppy and gave little Mojo a forever home.

Despite not having his fur grow back, Mojo is a happy and healthy dog, thanks to Joey. Joey’s compassionate heart and genuine love for Mojo helped him recover physically and psychologically. Here’s a heartwarming video describing Joey helped heal Mojo and give him a forever home.

Video Source ZooLand via YouTube


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