mirceaianc (CC0), Pixabay

Hope For Paws, an organization that rescues animals and is in LA, got a call. It was about a stray dog that was scared of people.

When the team of rescuers found the dog, they saw it sitting beneath a tree. One of them gave the dog some hamburger pieces to gain its trust. But when she tried to get closer, the animal became scared and started to walk away.

The volunteers hurriedly went inside their car and slowly followed the dog. They hoped that it would go somewhere where they can trap it like a place without any place to escape. But the dog just kept going back and forth where they found her. Soon, the volunteers knew that the dog was going back to the same spot because it was waiting for someone.

Elizabeth Serrato saw the scene and told them that she knew how they could secure the dog. The volunteers just agreed though they didn’t quite understand why.

The volunteers observed that when Elizabeth went near the animal, it started wagging its tail. The dog was familiar with Elizabeth and it looked happy and started jumping.

Elizabeth told the team that Elizabeth feeds the dog daily and the dog has come to trust her. She took a hamburger which she placed inside a cage that the team had. The dog didn’t even hesitate to get inside to eat the food. With the dog safe inside, Elizabeth closed it.

The team was very happy for Elizabeth and her help. Then, they took the dog to their facility for a checkup. The dog was only dirty and had ticks and fleas. But overall, she was healthy. They gave her a medicated bath. She was later on named Maya.

Soon enough, Maya showed her playful and happy personality. She was also transferred to the Lovejoy Foundation where she is waiting for someone to give her a forever home.

Source: Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel


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