Buster is the sweetest boy anyone could ever meet. But his dark past took a toll on him and made him anxious. He’s afraid of almost everything around him. And Sean Farrell promised to do and provide everything that he could to help Buster.

Life isn’t easy for a stray. Buster struggled to survive. And being transferred from one shelter to another didn’t help either.

The first time Sean met Buster, he knew he badly needed help. So he agreed to foster him and prepare him for his new forever home.

But things didn’t go as planned. Sean was smitten, and he fell head-over-heels in love with his foster dog. Soon enough, he decided Buster wasn’t going anywhere and adopted him officially.

Buster trusted nobody, not even his new dad. He spent the nights downstairs while his dad was up in the bedroom. And in the morning, he’d hide upstairs once Sean goes down. All he wanted was to be alone.

Sean felt so helpless. At first, he didn’t know how he could help him. But then, a creative idea struck his mind. So he went to work and started building Buster’s own boudoir.

Sean looked for a place inside their house. And the space under the stairs was the perfect spot for Buster’s own chamber. He took some woods, created a frame, and then lined it with a beautiful carpet. He even placed a mini TV inside of it.

Buster’s mini bedroom also has mood lighting and a few ornaments that make it really relaxing. The window panels can be shut closed, too, so the sound of fireworks no longer bothers him.

Buster loved the idea of having his own room. He instantly went inside of it and laid on the bed. The very next day, his personality has changed. He realized he’s now safe and nothing wrong is ever going to happen again.

Credits to Sean Farrell


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