We see tons of cute animal friendships all over the Internet. Extraordinary bonds seem to be trivial but are real. It is hard to believe a dolphin and a monkey are best friends – or that a horse and a dog grew up together and practically act like brothers. But have you heard of a German Shepherd babysitting chicks?

Thorin is a young German Shepherd known for his relaxed demeanor. This gentle giant grew up on a little farm with his fur mom, together with other animals. Through the years, Thorin has shown good behavior, never aggressive towards the other inhabitants of their household.

Their farm is home to several other pets. It includes a lot of birds – turkeys, quails, chickens, ducks, and emus. They all co-exist and just love being together as one big family. Thorin is very fond of his feathery brothers and sisters and is very protective of them.

Thorin loves watching his mom collect hatched chicks from their egg incubator. He follows her around the farm and anxiously waits for the new chicks. Once his mom gathered the new family members, he peers into the yellow bucket and observes the chirpy birds.

Thorin is always so excited about meeting the newly hatched chicks. According to his mom, she ever sees the joy in the dog’s eyes every time he’s got a new batch of little ones to look after. She also observed the dedication Thorin has as a babysitter. He would fervently watch over the chicks when mom has chores to do.

Who knew a giant could be so gentle? Thorin may intimidate because of his size, but he wins the favor of the tiny chicks with kisses and the feeling of security. Let this story be a lesson to most – that sometimes the ones we thought are aggressive and dangerous are the kindest and the most caring.

credits: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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