Nana is an adorable, sweet pitbull who had a very rough start in life, but who luckily gets a very happy ending. For eight years, Nana was neglected and likely abused.

Nana had stumps for ears. She had very little teeth left. Her belly hung low. She had a very nasty infection in her ear canals. A veterinarian who examined her concluded that her lack of full ears was probably the result of ear cropping by her former owner.

pit bull, dog, pitbull

When she arrived at a rescue center, with infected ears and missing teeth, she was in really bad shape. She was severely gaunt and had also been diagnosed with skin cancer. Without much hope, Nana was slated for euthanasia in 2013.

Things were looking bleak. There didn’t seem to be much hope for the sweet girl. Yet, despite all odds, Nana underwent surgery, chemotherapy, and was adopted by a foster parent.

Stephanie Doris was a volunteer at a rescue center when she saw a picture of Nana. She felt drawn to the Pitbull and decided to foster her.

Nana is just about the cutest thing ever!

Due to the abuse and the aftermath of infections, Nana is now deaf. But that doesn’t stop her from enjoying life.

Nana’s new owner, Stephanie, wasn’t looking to adopt and never considered herself a pit bull person. When she saw sweet Nana’s photo, she couldn’t resist. What started as a temporary situation has now blossomed into a permanent forever home.

Nana enjoys a home filled with toys, affection, and lots of snacks. She is known on social media as “Nana the earless Pibble.”

This story of extreme abuse, survival, and the dedication and love of one person is one of the most inspiring stories we have read recently. You can follow her story on Nana’s Facebook page

Video credit The Dodo YouTube Channel


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