In a society filled with selfishness and greed, heroic stories serve as great reminders that kindness (and heroism) still has a chance to bloom and flourish. Impossible? Just consider this story.

An unexpected fire broke out at a residence in Santa Monica, California but fortunately, the homeowner was not there.

The firefighters must have breathed a sigh of relief, right? Well, not exactly.

When the home’s owner, Crystal Lamirande, returned from a nearby coffee shop, she became speechless and could not move. She could not quite believe what she was actually seeing. She also realized that her dog, Nalu, was still inside the burning house and that made her heart rate go even higher.

She alerted the firefighters immediately and begged them to save her terrified pet. In an effort to save Nalu, Crystal and her neighbor attempted to rescue him, but the house’s raging fire and thick smoke prevented them from doing so.

Crystal claimed that she treats her 15-pound, 10-year-old Bichon and Shih-Tzu mix dog as if it were her own child. The only time she did not bring Nalu with her was this time, when the catastrophe occurred, which made her feel extremely guilty.

Andrew Klein, a firefighter, was able to spare Nalu from being completely devoured by the fire, although they discovered the dog and it seemed lifeless. Others would have likely given up and attended to other pressing duties, but not this firefighter. Andrew gave it mouth-to-snout resuscitation for 20 minutes.

This moment was as dramatic as the burning house behind them, and while Crystal and a few others anxiously watched, a brief silence fell on them all. Moments later, Nalu began to breathe and cough, bringing joy and tears to everyone’s eyes.

Crystal could not thank Andrew enough for his brave gesture, for which she is extremely thankful. She is also very appreciative of the firefighters who risked their lives to extinguish the fire.

Nalu was sent to the VCA Los Angeles Animal Hospital for further evaluation and treatment.

The authorities are going to launch an investigation into the cause of the incident.

Crystal secured an apartment for her and Nalu to temporarily reside in as they attempted to make sense of the tragedy and determine their next steps. But Crystal is still glad because the tragedy taught her that there is always something to be really grateful for, even right in the face of a huge tragedy. And a burned house cannot diminish her appreciation for everything in her life.

Source: abc NEWS


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