OlinEJ (CC0), Pixabay

Josie, a college student living in a small apartment, decided to foster a dog named Kaluha. Despite having midterm exams to study for, she took on the challenge of caring for Kaluha. However, one day while studying, Josie noticed that Kaluha was gaining weight. She immediately took her to the vet, where she was confirmed to be pregnant.

Although initially concerned about caring for a pregnant dog, Josie accepted the challenge. The weeks leading up to the birth were hectic for Josie and her friends. They all juggled midterms and caring for Kaluha. It was not easy for them all but they helped each other out and made it happen.

When Kaluha went into labor, they put their studying on hold. Josie and her friends supported her through the birth of eight puppies.

Knowing that she couldn’t keep all the puppies, Josie, and her friends worked to find them loving homes. Though they could not keep them, they wanted to make sure they find good homes for all of them.

That’s exactly what they did. Josie and her friends found forever homes for all the puppies, even Kaluha. Before Kaluha was sent to her forever home, Josie and her friends made sure that they take her to the beach.

This was their last adventure with her. This was Josie’s last adventure with her foster pet.

Despite the bittersweet goodbye, Josie knew that all the puppies would be happy. There is nothing better than knowing they all have new homes. Fostering Kaluha and her puppies had been a lot of work, but it was all worth it.

Josie knew that she wouldn’t be able to do it without her friends. She is grateful that Kaluha had been an important part of her college experience. She was also happy that she and her friends provided them all with a safe and loving home.

Source The Dodo via YouTube


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