Emily Wagner lives in a house in Long Valley, New Jersey that has a big backyard that leads to the woods. This was perfect for the family as they love dogs and rescuing them. It provides enough space for the kids and their dogs to run and play.

They have rescued four dogs so far and their presence saved the life of her little daughter Harper.


According to Emily, they sometimes see a huge bear walking by the woods at night. It would occasionally come near their fence but it would never go in. She has gone and reported this to the authorities but they said that if the bear wasn’t posing any danger to humans, they couldn’t capture or kill it. So they just avoided going out to their yard at night.

One day, Emily and Harper were in their backyard. The mom was relaxing by the porch and her three-and-a-half-year-old little girl was sitting in the grass playing by herself. Then suddenly, Harper yelled out to her mommy. The surprised mom looked up and saw that a 400-pound black bear was coming near her precious daughter.

The intruder managed to climb their fence and went straight for their house.

Distraught and shocked, Emily cried out for help and started to dart towards the little girl. But before she could get to Harper, her four rescued dogs came into the yard. In the lead was Chief, a two-year-old labrador mix that they adopted when he was just a puppy.

border collie, dog, collie

Chief went straight for the bear’s leg and clamped his teeth in its flesh. He then started to drag the bear away from the toddler. Their other three dogs, all pit bulls, followed and started barking at the wild animal.

Overwhelmed and surprised, the bear escaped to the woods and climbed a tree. Later on, it went down and wandered further inside the woodlands.

Emily was able to grab her daughter and brought her inside the house. They called the police and reported what just happened. The incident scared them and they would now be more vigilant and careful when they go outside.

Source: CBS New York via Youtube


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