Paula Godwin is a photographer who lives with her two dogs in Anthem, Arizona. One of them is named Todd, a labrador puppy.

Their property is close to a beautiful hiking route where they frequently go for walks. On one of these routine walks, while taking in the breathtaking scenery of the Arizona desert, the devoted dog owner nearly lost her life.

Fortunately, Todd was there to come to her rescue. The dog may have perished, but all he cared about was protecting his owner. Paula is extremely appreciative of her pet’s courageous deed.

Paula wanted to take her dogs on a hike one early morning because it was a gorgeous day. The sun was just about to emerge, and the sky was clear. The dog owner and her two canine companions walked the neighboring route while appreciating the natural surroundings.

As usual, they strolled casually, as they had completed the trail several times and knew it like the back of their hand. Paula was unaware that a rattlesnake was slithering at the path’s side. The poisonous beast observed their approach and was prepared to attack.

Todd ran between his mother and the poisonous snake just as Paula was about to tread on it. When the snake attempted to strike, it instead bit the puppy. The puppy was bitten several times before the reptile fled.

In a matter of seconds, the dog’s face began to swell. Paula gathered her dogs and took them to the Anthem Animal Hospital immediately. They arrived in record time, which assisted in saving Todd’s life. After receiving treatment, the puppy was required to remain in the hospital for a day of observation.

Paula was relieved when the veterinarians informed her that Todd was fine and would fully recover in just a few days. She is overjoyed to see that her dog loves her so much that he is actually willing to risk his own safety to save her. However, she hopes that they never really have to go through that again.

Source: Paula Godwin


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