GLady (CC0), Pixabay

People who steal dogs cannot be considered as dog lovers. For them, a doggo is not a beloved family member. This is why their conscience does not kill them every time they steal a dog belonging to another person. However, it’s reassuring to know that this crime is punishable by law in the majority of cities, as this Florida dog thief discovered when she attempted to steal a French bulldog named Georgie.

Georgie and his humans were staying at the Fort Lauderdale, Florida Cambria Hotel. The dog was with one of his owners, Danaja Brinkley, when the adventurous Frenchie explored the hotel lobby. Danaja was unconcerned about her dog wandering because Georgie would not really escape and run off.

However, a woman wearing a black hoodie spotted the French bulldog alone, picked him up, and left the hotel as if he were hers. Danaja hurried outside to ask for assistance when she couldn’t locate Georgie. There, she encountered Jason Steele, who was walking his own French bulldog.

The following day, Jason saw a woman walking with a Frenchie that resembled the dog Danaja had described. In addition, the female companion of the dog was wearing a black sweater knotted around her waist and red sandals. These descriptors corresponded to the woman seen in the hotel’s surveillance video.

Jason called Danaja immediately, and she hurried to the location where he was. The two quickly addressed the woman and requested that she wait until the police arrived. At this moment, Jason was able to recover Georgie and return him to Danaja, but they were not yet finished.

While on the phone with the police, they followed the woman to her boyfriend’s home. Later that day, the woman was arrested and charged with grand theft. Due to the strength of the evidence against her, she could face incarceration.

What matters to Danaja is that she has her furry child back in her arms. Hopefully, she will keep a closer eye on Georgie this time to prevent a recurrence.

Source: WPLG Local 10


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