It’s incredible how our canine pals conquer difficult challenges they encounter. Despite the harsh conditions, dogs find a way to achieve their goal.

With this, an adorable Newfoundland readily takes on the famous “Leave it” challenge. Though the pooch needs to reign in its cravings, it managed to pass the test with flying colors.

Don’t eat it, okay?

In this fantastic footage, a brown-furred Newfoundland named Samson sits quietly on a rug. At first, it seems the dog’s merely taking some time off on the comfortable spot.

However, Mom soon talks to the pooch while showing a delectable doggy treat. She then asks Samson to continue sitting as she slowly places the snack on the rug.

After this, Mom then slowly backs away, but not without instructing Samson to stay. Ever the attentive pooch, Samson merely follows the direction Mom’s taking, even if the doggy treat’s a stone’s throw away from him.

You did it!

It turns out; Mom subjects Samson on the famous “Leave it” challenge to check on his obedience. By the looks of it, Mom wants to see if the dog would still follow her instructions even if she’s not physically present in the area.

On and on, Mom moves away from the pooch while she continues reminding him not to touch the doggy treat. Even as Mom arrived on her chosen hiding spot, she continues to peek at Samson to see if he’s still following through.

Finally, Mom decides to push through with the test as she entirely hides from Samson. A few tense seconds later, Mom comes out of her hiding spot to check on how the pooch’s faring.

Amazingly enough, Samson obeyed what Mom instructed him to do. However, Samson couldn’t control his hunger any longer as he saunters towards the snack and munches on it. If you wish to see Samson in live-action, feel free to click the play button below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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