A New Jersey husky with strange eyes finds a permanent home after her story went viral on social media. Jubilee, a four-year-old Siberian husky, was born with an eyelid deformity. Because of her condition, Jubilee always looks surprised or scared. Her looks have prevented the sweet dog from being adopted over the years.

In 2018, a New Jersey breeder surrendered Jubilee to the Husky House, an animal shelter in Matawan, New Jersey. The breeder told Husky House that he couldn’t sell Jubilee due to her strange-looking eyes. Jubilee was given an exam at Husky House, and the vet found nothing wrong with the husky, other than her congenital condition. Her eyes don’t affect her health in any way, and she is a happy, healthy dog.

But, for two years, Jubilee has sat in her shelter kennel, with no one having any interest in adopting her. A spokesperson for Husky House said the staff all thinks Jubilee is beautiful. Still, the loving husky has struggled to find a home. So the Husky House staff decided to post about Jubilee on their Facebook page.

The staff’s post was a heartfelt one that talked about Jubilee’s unique looks. Speaking as Jubilee, the post went on to say how the husky doesn’t understand why she doesn’t look majestic like other huskies. The post finished with Jubilee saying she wished she was pretty enough to be adopted and loved by someone.

Jubilee’s post went viral, with hundreds of people expressing interest in the Siberian husky. Over 150 applications came in for Jubilee! The overwhelming love shocked Husky House, but they were incredibly grateful their plea worked. Husky House commented that they were happy, so many people feel she is a special dog.

This past Saturday, Jubilee found her permanent home. A family who had adopted from Husky House before became the proud owners of the beautiful Siberian husky with the unique eyes. You can watch a short video about Jubilee here:

Credits: Husky House website and WZDX News YouTube


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