tranmautritam (CC0), Pixabay

Derby, a Husky mix, was unfortunately born with deformed front legs and paws. It made it impossible for him to move around normally, unlike his other furry friends. Despite Derby’s condition, he still tries to keep walking even if this leaves him with cuts, and sometimes, even injuries.

Luckily, one day, he was rescued by Peace and Paws. Saving him captured the attention of Tara Anderson, a woman working at 3D Systems, as she was about to adopt a new dog.

Tara heard Derby’s story, and it touched her heart. She looked at the canine’s photos online and suddenly felt emotional. As someone working at 3D systems, she knew that she could help Derby out, so she decided to adopt him.

To help Derby walk and move around, Tara got a set of wheels for him. However, this was somehow impractical as it didn’t make him run or walk like normal dogs do and sometimes would get him stuck in areas, too. It even got him awkward to play with other furry buddies. So, Tara thought of a way to help him by coming up with 3D printed prosthetic legs for the mobility he deserved.

Since Tara and her co-workers work with a 3D printer, in no time, they managed to get the prosthetics that best fit Derby’s legs and feet. It made their work easier, thus letting them save their time, money, and effort. They promised, too, that they would continuously make prosthetic legs for Derby as he grows tall to adjust to his height.

At present, Derby could already walk, run and move around like an ordinary dog that he wished for right from the start. He now has his new instant legs, big thanks to his foster parents and to how amazingly science, technology, and, of course, unconditional love could work.

Source: Derby Portanova via Facebook


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