Dogs are one of the most wonderful pets a person can have. They bring so much joy not just to you as a person but as well as for the whole family. But that isn’t the only way our dogs are helping us, there have been proven cases that suggest being with our beloved pooches are actually making us a lot healthier. Here are some of the ways our dogs are making us healthier.
1. Having a Pet Dog can make your Heart Healthier
Recent studies have observed the correlation of having lower risks of heart diseases and owning a pet dog. There have been many reports of dog owners having lower risks of getting heart diseases than those people that do not have a dog. This observation could be linked to the particular relationship we have with our pups. Studies have shown that pooches can improve how your body reacts to different stresses. Having a dog seems to also improve the rate of your heart’s pumping, the pressure in your blood and the control of the release of the different hormones in your body.
2. Owning a dog can help with depression
Another recent research has vindictively shown that dog owners have a relatively lower chance of developing depression than those people that do not have their very own dog. It’s interesting to note that this study was done on men that have been infected with HIV.
There are also a lot of other studies that support this claim. It seems to be apparent that having a dog around and playing with them can make your body produce a lot of the feel-good hormones namely oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin. These hormones are very crucial for helping a person alleviate the effects of depression on their minds.
3. Dogs can help you move more
It appears that people that own dogs have a higher chance of actually performing some physical exercise and get the body figure that they have always wanted. This is because compared to people that don’t own dogs, these dog owners tend to regularly walk their pooches around their neighborhood and so the effect is that they’ get to move more and receive exercise together with their dog. More than that, pet owners tend to be forced to move or run faster than they normally do, the reason being that dogs typically run more quickly than a regular human.
4. You can build a community with other dog owners
Dog owners are typically passionate towards their love to their beloved pooches. And so this love eventually radiates out and attracts other dog owners to come together and discuss their collective love for their dog. This is a very nice way let your dog socialize with other dogs and an incredibly useful way to let you make friends with other dog owners that are as passionate as you are. This can help you diminish the effects of anxiety that may have been holding you back.


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