Dogs are innately brave animals, but they can also show anxiety when introduced to something new. When dogs are scared, they get stiff when held by humans. They won’t even dare to move. The dogs would even shiver until the ordeal is over.

Dog owners need to understand their dogs’ body language to calm them and to assure them that everything is all right. Dogs like the warm touch of their fur mom or fur dad because it makes them feel secure.

One dog from Ireland begged for his owner to hold his paws while riding the car.

In the video below, the dog is riding a car with his owner, Adam Douglas. Tom, a Golden Cocker Spaniel, is in the front seat while his owner drives the vehicle.

Tom looks anxious while riding the car. He is begging for Adam to hold his paw while they are on the road. When Adam would let go of his paw, he would plead with his owner until he has his paw again.

It looked funny because Tom was persistent in asking for his owner to hold his paw, and his owner could not seem to concentrate on the road. People commented that the gesture was so cute and sweet.

However, people also commented about the safety of the dog in the car. Adam explained that the dog is tightly secured using a harness, so there is nothing to worry about Tom’s safety. The phone was also connected in a holder, although Adam said that it got off for a bit when he was driving on a bumpy road. He assured the viewers that it is relatively safe to go around Ireland.

The video became viral, that it garnered more than 3 million views and 500 comments on YouTube.

Video courtesy of Adam Douglas via YouTube


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