Obi and Luna are pit bull siblings who were picked up by the police in Harlem. The two puppies were homeless and were living in the streets. They were emaciated, cold, and frightened when the officers picked them up.

Little did the two dogs know that a woman named Emily saw their photos on the internet in social media. Emily thought that the two adorable dogs didn’t need to stay in the shelter. Emily called the shelter and arranged to pick up the puppies so she can foster them until they find a forever home.

The two puppies couldn’t be happier when Emily came in to pick them up at the shelter. They seem to know that they will be living in a loving home. The two puppies were hungry, and a little anxious, but they knew that they were safe.

puppy, grass, garden

During the first few days of staying with Emily, Obi and Luna were still in survival mode. They lived for so long in the streets that they would eat everything that was offered to them. However, the two puppies slowly adjusted to being in a home. They started to feel more comfortable, and they slowly showed their unique personalities.

Obi and Luna started gaining weight and looked a little bit healthier every day. Emily would take the two puppies to her workplace, and they loved being there. The two dogs love being in Emily’s office, and it’s an excellent place for them to learn how to behave and be good dogs.

Emily’s coworkers would also spoil the dogs with cuddles and treats. The puppies were getting a lot of love, and they couldn’t get enough of it. Emily also started training the two dogs basic commands, which they picked up on quite quickly. Obi and Luna are both brilliant that they learned how to walk with a leash and soon understood basic commands, such as sit, stay, and down.

animal, pet, dog

After a couple of weeks of fostering Luna and Obi, Emily finally had a call that both puppies have adoption applications. A couple named Mimi and Nate adopted Luna, and another couple named Brian and Melissa adopted Obi. Both puppies adjusted well in their new environment and have bonded with their new families.

Both dogs finally have a forever home. Thanks to Emily’s care, both dogs recovered from their past. Just two weeks ago, Obi and Luna were living in the streets. Thanks to the police officer that rescued them, they were able to make it to Emily’s home, where they healed and learned what it’s like to have a home.

After a few months of living in their new homes, Obi and Luna were reunited. Emily and the families who adopted Obi and Luna organized for the two siblings to reunite. It was one of the sweetest and heartwarming reunions ever. Obi and Luna immediately recognized each other and started playing. Here’s a video of how Obi and Luna’s life were rescued and their reunion after getting adopted.

Video Source The Dodo via YouTube


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