A green puppy is not something we encounter on a daily basis, but they are not unheard of. A quick search on search engine Google will yield a multitude of headlines about green puppies born to families all around the world.

Despite the fact that it is intriguing to see their distinctively colored fur, one cannot help but worry that something may be wrong with them. After all, this is not something that we see every day. Veterinarians would inevitably weigh in whenever this topic is raised. They assure pet owners that the puppy’s coat will return to its normal hue as it ages.

One of these puppies is Pistachio, born with green fur on an Italian farm. His fur father, Cristian Mallocci, spotted him instantly because he was the only one with a unique fur coat. His entire family had white fur, just like his mother, Spelacchia.

Approximately one week later, the world learned that another green puppy was born in the Philippines. Chona Lacsamana, the fur mom, had the same reaction as Mallocci upon seeing him. She opted to name the puppy Wasabi because of its green fur.

The increase in the number of green puppies prompted some individuals to inquire about the reason for their green fur. Apparently, biliverdin is responsible for the condition. It is a bile pigment that aids in the healing of animal wounds.

Sometimes, the puppy’s birth sac contains a high concentration of this substance, causing its fur to discolor. This natural hair dye does not really last forever. As the puppy grows older, the color will ultimately fade away. This is also why the only green adult dogs we see are those whose fur parents have dyed their fur with that color.

Green is said to be a lucky color, so congratulations to the fur parents of these green-colored pups!

Source: Chona Lacsamana


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