Getting some love and attention from your loved ones is a pretty hard task these days, at least, for this French Bulldog. Everyone seems to be busy, even if they’re not really doing something important.

Take this Frenchie’s dad, for example. With his owner being home, the dog thought it was time for some quality time. Unfortunately, dad kept pushing him away.

This Frenchie was incredulous because he couldn’t believe that dad wouldn’t want to cuddle with him. This dog gives insanely good hugs and kisses, so the pet didn’t understand why dad pushed him away.

The dog’s face looked hilarious as he glared at dad. This made his owner laugh, and that further confused the dog. Why would dad push him away and just laugh when he glared at him?

Aww, this sweet baby doesn’t understand the concept of pranks. That’s because dogs in general are pure-hearted beings, and they don’t do anything they’re not totally into.

After glaring at dad, this Frenchie wiggled his way into dad’s side. Then he slowly slid up towards dad’s neck and that move earned him a hug and body rub.

This fluffy boy was overjoyed because he kept on kissing and hugging his dad. What a sweet little furball, and a persistent one at that!

If it were us, we’d be mad and give up after the rejection. Not this dog – he knew what he wanted, so he went for it. He’s pleased that he got the results he aimed for, and that’s the spirit!

If anyone of you is not in a good place right now, take a little lesson from this dog. Where you are isn’t your final destination, so go out there and go for your goals.

You will reach them with a little determination just like this Frenchie did!

Credits to Joy Inside via YouTube


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