Jenny Desmont spent her whole life rescuing animals in need. Together with her husband, she runs the Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue and Protection Sanctuary, where they now have about 35 orphaned chimpanzees under their care.

While Jenny was driving through a remote Liberian village, she saw the little puppy on the side of the road. It was apparent that the puppy was dying. He was covered in sores and was missing huge chunks of fur. She knew she didn’t have much time. She arranged for the puppy to be brought to the sanctuary so her husband, Jimmy, could examine him. Jimmy, a veterinarian, explained the puppy had been starving and started digesting his muscles. They fed the puppy and also cleaned him. They decided to name him, Snafu.

Over the weeks, with a lot of love and care, Snafu got a lot stronger and grew his fur back. When the dog got healthy enough, Jenny introduced him to their chimpanzees. They loved each other right away. Realizing he was still a bit fragile, the chimps were careful when carrying him.

After being in the sanctuary for a year, Snafu grew into a big and healthy dog. Jenny got in touch with her sister and asked if she wanted to adopt Snafu and have him stay with her in Colorado. She agreed right away, so Jenny and Snafu flew to Colorado. Jimmy and Jenny would love to have Snafu in the sanctuary, but their work requires them to travel a lot. They feared they wouldn’t be able to take care of Snafu well and give him the attention he deserved.

Snafu loved Jenny’s sister, nieces, and nephews. The moment she was sure that Snafu had already gotten himself settled in his new home, Jenny flew right back to Liberia. And there she continued her work saving orphaned chimps.

See more of Snafu’s story in the video below.

Source: Their Turn via Youtube


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