In preparation for the holiday season, families worldwide are getting ready by conducting holiday photoshoots to slip in their greeting cards. After all, Christmas is literally right around the corner.

And while most of you may have posed with family members exclusively, some pet owners are doing one with their pets on the scene. Some may have even done a shoot with just their furry friends as the highlight. Lauren Carter from Toronto, Canada, is one of those proud dog moms and decided to flex her dogs Opiee and Mika by dressing them up in festive costumes to get into holiday mode.

However, there seems to be one problem, and the internet has gone into talking about one of her beloved pets as soon as she posted the images online. While Opiee sports a huge smile, Mika’s solemn look, courtesy of her sad puppy dog eyes, generated a comical whisper and collective concern from users.

They got into questioning: why do you look so sad, dear one?

The aura she was giving could only be described as existential dread, and every year, she seems to project this emotion in every photo. And while this looks a little depressing, the internet quickly made a funny situation out of Mika’s questionable look.

When Lauren posted the photos on Twitter, users quickly offered their interpretation behind the dog’s expression. Some even went to upload similar photos of their dejected-looking dogs. Netizens were also quick to provide witty captions for the photographs. Among them include “Hello, darkness, my old friend” and “How I look on the outside versus how I feel on the inside.”

However, Lauren admits that her dogs can rub off on each other, with Opiee tending to be the more positive influencer. For instance, in this photo of Opiee posing as Santa with Mika as an elf getting a kiss, she appears to be relishing it anyway. Apparently, the little darling can get her guard down too.

Carter is as patient and understanding as any fur-mom can get and doesn’t let Mika’s often forlorn disposition bother her. Maybe it’s just a poker face, or she probably just wants to be left alone. The proud owner says that Mika has this face almost every day, so it doesn’t make a difference.

The question remains, however: Is Mika really feeling sad? Or is it something else?

Well, only her doggy mind knows for sure.

Credits: Lauren Carter / Twitter


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