Jonny Hickey used to be a quiet boy with autism who liked being alone. Even his loved ones had a difficult time getting Jonny to talk to them.

Today, however, Jonny is one of the chattiest young men you’ll ever meet. His family credits a rescue dog named Xena to this near-miraculous transformation.

Jonny almost didn’t meet Xena at all. A Good Samaritan brought the pup to DeKalb County Animal Services in Chamblee, Georgia when they saw her lying unconscious outside someone’s home.

The shelter’s employees were appalled at Xena’s state when she came in. The pup was emaciated, weighing a mere four pounds. Her fur was sparse and patchy, and her muzzle was full of scabs.

They think that Xena had been locked up in a cage without food and water before being finally abandoned on the streets and left to die. The pup was approximately four months at the time.

Chrissy Kaczynski, an employee at DeKalb County Animal Services, brought Xena home with her that day. She was afraid that the puppy wouldn’t last the night, but she was a fighter.

Xena lived with Chrissy for five months, recuperating from the abuse. She thrived under her foster mom’s love, and soon she was the friendly and affectionate pooch she was always meant to be.

The foster mom, wishing to share Xena’s inspirational story, created a Facebook page for her. That was how Jonny’s mom Linda learned about the pooch.

The Hickeys first got to know Xena in person at a fundraiser. They already liked her, but they fell irrevocably in love when the dog immediately bounded up to them and introduced herself to Jonny and Linda’s husband Grant.

After that delightful meeting, the family knew they had to adopt Xena as soon as she was ready. That was one of the best decisions the Hickeys ever made, for Jonny and the pooch had a strong bond from the very beginning.

Jonny likes his personal space, but he doesn’t mind when Xena gets all up in his face to kiss him. The young man also enjoys talking non-stop to his new canine buddy, telling her about his observations and what he did in school that day.

Jonny and Xena’s love does so much more for other people, too. Their non-profit, Jonny and Xena’s Spread the Words Foundation, holds educational programs to encourage kindness and acceptance.

The foundation also raises funds and volunteers for special needs programs as well as animal welfare organizations. Xena has gone a long way from being a victim of animal abuse to an inspirational figure. Watch her with Jonny here:

Source: GeoBeats News on YouTube and Xena the Warrior Puppy on Facebook


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