moshehar (CC0), Pixabay

When park rangers heard the mournful howls of a dog, they began searching where it was coming from. They discovered the dog, which they later named Deputy, standing on the muddy shore of Longview Lake, and it was sinking slowly.

The dog was unable to escape because his leash was attached to a cinder block, which became an anchor and it pulled him down into the water.

Tonya Hampton, an employee of the Great Plains Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), hurried to the scene upon learning of the situation. Park workers saved Deputy by attaching a second leash to the block, which they pulled out of the water. They were soon able to bring the dog to safety.

However, following his rescue, Deputy was friendly. After such a near encounter with danger, he was understandably terrified.

Tonya sat with Deputy and fed him from her hand to show him that not all humans are harsh and cause harm.

Once Deputy began to settle down and became calmer, she untied him and took him to his kennel. The dog even sighed with satisfaction as he sat in Tonya’s car, as though he realized that he was finally safe.

At the SPCA, Deputy was given a lengthy bath to remove the muck that had dried on his fur. The staff then gave him food and wrapped him in a soft, warm blanket. Nobody knew how long the dog was in the water, but he was starving.

Tonya expressed her outrage at what Deputy endured. If the park rangers did not notice his howls, he might have drowned.

Nonetheless, his story has a happy ending: Deputy was adopted.

Deputy received many adoption applications. The SPCA staff ultimately selected John, who had read about Deputy in the news and visited the shelter multiple times to become acquainted with the dog.

Approximately one week after his terrible ordeal, Deputy has found a pet parent who will provide him with all the care, attention, and love that he needs.

Source: Inside Edition


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