birgl (CC0), Pixabay

A woman observed that a stray dog began appearing in her yard over a week ago. Every night at around midnight, she heard it bark. She would look outside to determine where the dog was and if there was a problem, but she never learned what the dog wanted because it vanished as soon as she switched on the light.

The woman became curious. She felt it was time to solve the mystery so she looked for help. Eventually, animal welfare and rescue group members responded.

The volunteers were unable to learn anything about the dog since, as expected, it fled when it detected their presence. Therefore, they decided to install surveillance cameras across the property. The woman found out through the CCTV that it was Boksook, the stray dog she had previously cared for.

Boksook lived on that street her entire life. She kept returning, though, because the woman was kind enough to feed her and keep her out of trouble. However, one day she simply vanished without a trace.

The woman believed that the dog had relocated somewhere. She also contemplated the chance that something unfavorable had happened to it. When she realized that it was the same dog that was barking outside her home at night, she was astonished and relieved to see it was still alive and well.

As the rescuers continued to observe Boksook, they saw that as soon as she entered the yard, she headed straight for the boiler room. She looked interested in what was inside, but because the door was closed, she continued to bark at it. They chose to look at what was behind it because the dog was really interested in it.

Boksook eventually became pregnant and gave birth on the streets. She was desperate but determined to find a secure location for her puppies, so she remembered the woman who had really shown her kindness and taken them into her yard. However, after they were taken to their foster home, she worried about them and frequently returned at night, when no one was home.

The rescuers eventually captured Bokseok. They took her to the veterinarian for treatment, and after determining that she was in perfect health, they reunited her with her young. The woman who had been feeding her before later picked them up and welcomed them into her home.

Source: Kritter Klub


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