Alli Gardner is forever grateful to her beagle, Miley. If it weren’t for Miley’s adorable photo on Instagram, Alli wouldn’t have met Sid, who turned out to be her future husband.

Wing-dog Miley

Some people need a wingman or wingwoman to meet the love of their lives. But Alli Gardner’s wingwoman wasn’t a human, but her dog, Miley. Her wing-dog Miley didn’t even have to do much, but look cute on camera.

How Alli met Sidney Peterson, through her dog, Miley, is a sweet love story. Sid was scrolling through Instagram when he saw Alli and Miley’s photo. Sid, also a dog-lover, messaged Alli about them being best friends forever if she’d let him pet her dog.

Unknowingly to Sid, Alli has been stalking him for the past few months. Sid is her college friend’s roommate, and she admits to having a crush on him. But Alli wanted to play it cool, so she replied she could arrange a playdate.

Alli and Sid continued to exchange messages. After some time, the two decided to meet up. They felt an instant connection and dated for the next three years.

Getting married

Last year, Sid thought it’s about time they level up their relationship, so he proposed to Alli. Alli’s family was going out for dinner before she went back to school, but Sid told her he couldn’t make it. He said he was pet-sitting their dog as his parents were away.

But Sid was already outside of their house, with a bunch of roses and an engagement ring in hand. Sid got down on one knee and popped the question. Alli said yes.

Looking back, Alli realized that their love story all started with Miley, and she couldn’t be more grateful to her dog. Of course, Miley’s going to attend the wedding, playing the most important role of “Dog of Honor.” After all, Miley has been there for them since day one, crashed their dates, and made them happy. Miley will undoubtedly be honored to witness her mom get married to the love of her life.

Thanks to Alli Gardner


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