Dogs raised in cramped cages never get to enjoy the quality of life that they deserve. In the worst situations, they reach old age without having experienced the joys of puppyhood and freedom.

This is what happened to an elderly dog named Atlas, who was already 16 years old when he was rescued.

Atlas was confined to a fairly small enclosure for the majority of his life. As a result, his posture was awkward and his fur was densely matted. Only when his owner’s neighbor reported his plight to animal control that he was saved.

Atlas’s matted fur was so terrible that it required the combined efforts of five individuals to remove it. The entire procedure required six hours of hard work. After removing the matted fur, he was better able to move his body.

A woman named Dage volunteered to care for Atlas. After realizing that fostering him would not be sufficient, Dage decided to adopt him instead. She noticed how vulnerable Atlas was at that time, so she simply wished for him to feel safe and comfortable.

While living with Dage, Atlas had better living conditions. He was never confined, allowing him to enjoy the luxury of unrestricted movements. Additionally, he became close friends with Dage’s other dog, Nelson. Atlas was able to experience new things he would never have been able to do in his former living situation.

Dage’s level of concern for Atlas was unparalleled. She always kept an eye on him as he walked around the home to ensure he didn’t run into anything. This was because Atlas suffered from a vision impairment. Dage also hired a physical therapist to assist Atlas with regaining mobility in his legs.

Atlas received a fresh lease on life. There is no more precise description of this circumstance. Dage’s greatest gift to him is his new life, which he will treasure for the remainder of his years.

Source: The Dodo


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