vaclavzavada (CC0), Pixabay

Most dogs and cats do not get along. That is why this cat and dog duo in our story today has caught the attention of many people. The duo is the definition of best friends – they cannot be separated from each other!

Two-year-old Chihuahua Leila and six-year-old tabby cat Kitty were both great family members. They’ve been together since Leila was born, but their parents surrendered them to the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. They had to do this when they lost their house.

The family was unable to find a house that would accommodate them both, so they had no choice but to leave them at the shelter. You may believe that this is the conclusion of their story, but you are mistaken.

They were transported to the shelter in identical carriers. And just before they were separated into their separate kennels, Kitty began to whimper.

The volunteers then began to understand that Kitty and Leila cannot be separated. They would become uncomfortable without each other, so the rescuers placed them both in the same room. The volunteers believed that the arrangement would make it easier for Leila and Kitty to deal with their family’s loss and to continue living together.

MSPCA chose to find a family ready to adopt both of these dogs after learning that they are inseparable.

Couple Andre and Elizabeth Marion of Sudbury fell in love with Kitty and Leila because of their close attachment to each other. The couple then adopted the two animals.

Now they have a family, with the added bonus of remaining together!

The MSPCA could not contain their delight as they sent these gorgeous animals on their way to their new home. The organization added that the leading cause of dogs and cats being abandoned at shelters is the inability of families to find pet-friendly housing when they relocate. MSPCA pledges to do all in its power to find these animals permanent homes.

Source: MSPCA-Angell


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