Some old videos are so adorable that they keep resurfacing on the Internet. The video of the “tantrum stopper” corgi named Dooey is one of them.

According to Dooey’s owner, his little girl Isabelle wanted to get on her toy wagon. Specifically, she wanted to stand on the wagon, make it run through the kitchen, and smash it straight into the oven.

Somehow, Isabelle enjoyed the sound of the wagon hitting the oven. Of course, her parents told her she couldn’t do it. Aside from causing possible damage to the oven, she could hit her head and injure herself.

Just like any toddler, Isabelle threw a tantrum when her parents told her no. She began to cry.

As she was crying her eyes out, Dooey entered the kitchen and went near to her. The corgi’s presence calmed the little girl down. When she stopped crying, the dog left the room.

However, Isabelle really wanted to ride the wagon. She tried again. Looking at the toy, she asked her parents if she could stand on it and ride it across the kitchen.

Her parents, knowing what she was planning to do (which was slam the wagon into the oven), once more told her no. Denied of her fun, Isabelle started to cry again. She sat on the floor and threw a fit.

Thinking Dooey would do what he did before, Isabelle’s parents began filming her. And they were right. A few seconds later, the loving corgi appeared at the door and went straight to the little girl.

Dooey leaned on Isabelle and sat on her lap. The girl suddenly forgot why she was crying. She petted and hugged the dog that was on her lap. Indeed, Dooey was a real tantrum stopper.

The scene was so cute that it kept making the rounds online. What Dooey did to Isabelle reminds us how powerful a hug can be. Watch the heartwarming clip below.

Source: gstrou86 via YouTube


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