Dogs and cats will forever be in the love-hate relationship category if you ask us. Their perpetual bickering has spanned centuries, and it doesn’t look like it’s gonna change anytime soon.

Take this Golden Retriever and his feline friend. They were hanging out in the backyard one day when mom appeared with treats in her hand.

Both pets immediately felt like they won the lottery. They eagerly awaited the tasty snacks that are about to come their way.

Mom handed them out quickly, but this cat did a cheeky attempt. It tried to steal the snack intended for the dog, but karma bit back quickly.

In the literal sense, this kitty got bitten. Not intentionally, but still bitten. When the treat was in the air, the feline raised its paw to swipe it, but then its paw ended in the dog’s jaws.

The dog’s purpose was to catch the treat, so opening its mouth was natural. Unfortunately, the cat’s stealing paw got in the way, so instead of catching a treat, this doggo caught the feline’s paw.

We could tell that this kitty yelped in pain. The dog looked like he was about to apologize, but when he saw the treat on the bench, he forgot all about the cat.

Getting tasty snacks is life, so we understand your priorities, pet. It’s not like it’s your paw someone attempted to snatch that tidbit, so no biggie.

The cat meowed in pain and frustration, especially when it saw the dog enjoy its treat. We feel sorry you got bitten, kitty, but it’s not the dog’s fault.

Perhaps next time, you’d be a little more careful about attempting to take what’s not yours. Let this be a learning event for you to help guide you in the future. Here’s to good times in the future!

Credits to Brahim Dhamani via YouTube


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