It’s not always easy for two different creatures from the animal kingdom to get along. That’s just nature’s rule. But sometimes it’s tempting for us humans to conduct some kind of social experiment involving these creatures.

In one household in South Korea, that’s exactly what’s happening. They have multiple birds as pets. Also, they have a small white doggo.

The dog does not give the family any headache. He’s a good old doggo, after all. The same cannot be said of their parrot, Lala.

Lala is literally an angry bird. She quickly loses her temper, and when she does, she terrorizes all of her housemates, including the humans. Lala also likes bullying the family’s small, docile dog.

There’s no saying what gets on Lala’s nerves if we are to base our opinions on this video. By the looks of it, this parrot suffers from some kind of behavioral disorder. Maybe Lala’s overdue for a visit with a bird therapist.

Even with her fellow birds, Lala does not seem to get along. According to Lala’s human caretakers, the parrot usually loses her cool when she’s hungry. So, to placate the angry bird, they feed her often.

But feeding Lala does not always work in terms of subduing her temper. One time, she attacks her human’s foot after being fed. Yes, this parrot’s a pain in the foot.

The household’s resident canine has had enough of Lala’s behavior. One time, the dog finds himself the subject of Lala’s tantrum again. The parrot chose to nibble on his ear.

Our docile dog fights back finally. Lala gets what she deserves.

If you’re wondering how a parrot could bully a dog, here’s a video link for your pleasure. It features a fascinating snippet of daily life in this warzone household.

Thanks to Kritter Klub


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