Dogs are protective beings – it’s practically embedded in their DNA. It’s no wonder this female Boxer named Leela did everything she could to dissuade an unwelcome visitor from entering the house.

Leela and the horse, Stormy, are friends. They regularly play outside and are generally on good terms with each other, but not when Stormy’s trying to enter the house.

The Boxer understands her duty well, so she makes sure she protects the house from anyone not authorized to enter. The problem is, Stormy perpetually thinks she can go wherever she wants to.

That’s where Leela draws the line and these two clashes. The pets’ owners managed to capture one of their confrontations on camera, and it was a hilarious experience to witness.


Leela started warning stormy off with little growls, but those didn’t seem to affect the horse. The Boxer then stepped up and began to bark her warnings, but the horse was stubborn.

Leela’s authority and sense of duty were duly challenged, so the Boxer lunged at Stormy and barked with all her might. The startled horse pulled back a bit, but she didn’t leave the doorway just yet.

It was when the Boxer aggressively stood her ground and relentlessly barked at the intruding horse that the latter finally got the message. She wasn’t allowed inside, and her Boxer friend wasn’t gonna let her break the rules.

Stormy whipped her snout towards the barking dog and Leela jumped back a bit, but we think a certain level of respect was established on the day this incident happened.

Both parties understood where they stood, and we say mad props to Leela for sticking to her guns! She is smaller in size, but kudos to Leela for proving that following the rules and standing your ground are what matters. Cheers!

Credits to ProtoypeAholic via YouTube


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