Service dogs help a lot of humans with disabilities. One of the most popular ways that these pooches help is by aiding the blind to find their way. However, these seeing-eye dogs aren’t only there to help out humans; they are also there to help their fellow doggies as well.

Getting some help

Charlie, a Golden Retriever, suffered from glaucoma that ultimately caused him to lose his sight back in 2016. His owners had to decide to have his eyes removed because of the disease. This condition has left the doggie unable to move about the way he usually does.

To help Charlie, his owners Chelsea and Adam Stipe decided to get him a seeing-eye dog named Maverick. At first, Charlie was hesitant to let the pup into his life. Their friendship was not an instant thing. But when it happened, the two became inseparable.

A dog and his puppy

As the closeness of Charlie and Maverick grew, so has their dependency on each other. Anywhere that Charlie would go, Maverick would be right there with him. The pup even took it on himself to go along with the old doggie’s daily routines. Whenever Charlie would need a helping paw, Maverick was always there by the dog’s side to give him aid.

The two would often play with each other. When Charlie drops a toy and loses it, Maverick would always pick it up and bring it back to him so they could continue with playtime.

Maverick is a service dog that didn’t have to go through training to help his older doggie brother. It was just natural for him to care for the pooch and to be there when he needed help. Their bond has become so strong that they do everything together. Because of this pup, Charlie is now able to act like a normal dog once more and also enjoy a new playmate to spend his days with.

Check out the story here:

Source: Youtube | RADIO.COM


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